miércoles, diciembre 28, 2005

Interesting article about politics in Mexico

It's sad to see that the current government is helping some of the men behind the FOBAPROA in Mexico (a large fraud that took place some years ago, where the banks lent themselves money and then declared to be in economical problems). One of those men, Jorge Lankenau, was set free some days ago.

The article here (in spanish).

Managed environments and Macs

Miguel has a pretty interesting post about .Net/Mono environments and the declarations about it made by the mac guys (saying that managed languages are 'SLOW').

The technical issues mentioned by Miguel are really interesting, but the article also shows the way in which osnews/oreilly/slashdot 'trolly' posts should be fighted. It's more interesting to see a complete point of view, instead of the classical posts, such "I agree, that thing just sucks", "And what about the patent issue?" and that kind of posts that definitely don't help the discussion.

viernes, noviembre 25, 2005

Nice article about the latest survey in Mexico

Just found a very nice article about the latest political survey in Mexico. It points out an important fact about this kind of surveys and also mentions a different one by another institute.

The link here (in spanish)

viernes, agosto 19, 2005

Another article about politics in Mexico

Proceso is a very good reading for those who could be interested in the social an political movements happening in Mexico.

This time I found an essay about the latest appareance of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who was president of Mexico some years ago, and who has a lot of political power. The possible reasons behind he appearing are here.

miércoles, agosto 17, 2005

Politics and globalization

I found quite interesting an article about a thing that is known for much of us, but that remain unknown for others: the latest economical and political ideas are having a very bad impact in countries like Mexico and the located in center and south America, like social segregation, a minority with much money and so on.

A great article here, at Deutsche Welle, http://www.dw-tv.com/dw/article/0,1564,1681370,00.html

jueves, agosto 11, 2005

The new Marcos show

The latest declarations of Marcos, one of the most important men behind the EZLN -this in Mexico-, are quite interesting, since one can't tell the _true_ reasons behind them. Why to bring them right now, when the federal elections are near? Why did he break relations with the PRD?

A very good essay about this fact here

lunes, abril 18, 2005

Very good article about the current political show in Mexico

I just read a very good article about the political show that was begun by our not very good president and basically the two right handed political groups in Mexico, and what causes could it bring.

The article here.

lunes, marzo 21, 2005

International day of the elimination of the discrimination

I found that today is the International Day of the elimination of the discrimination.

Probably in a lot of places there's almost nothing of it, but there still are places where there is a lot, in a way or another.

Here in Mexico, we have some kind of implicit discrimination, where the people with power, money, or thins like that feel they have more value than others.

A good article is here: http://www.dw-tv.com/dw/article/0,1564,1525039,00.html

viernes, marzo 04, 2005

Good article about politics in Mexico

Here is a good article about politics in Mexico, and the problem of having such bad politicians and what they can do to get the power.

viernes, febrero 25, 2005

Reflection only now supported in Mono

I've finally committed the code to support Reflection only methods in Mono to the SVN repository. Basically, the methods are designed to be useful in those cases when only metadata is needed, and no methods/fields/properties are used/invoked. This is specially good with tools that only need to load the metadata information (such method name, parameter types, field types, etc) to show app information, or have special neeeds.

A good description can be found here. This new api will be part of the next release of .Net (Whidbey), and currently no more information is avalaible.

However, here I have some additional details:

  • Reflection only and non reflection only assemblies are loaded separately, which means that it is possible to have loaded in both ways the same assembly.

  • MemberInfo and other elements will throw InvalidOperationException when calling Invoke(), which is the exception used to warn that the members are in a reflection only assembly, and thus can not be invoked/assigned.

  • References are not automatically loaded, which means that all of them should be manually loaded. Mscorlib is the only one that is not needed in this form, and currently we use the loaded one as if it were a reflecion only. Note that we *could* change this in the future, altought I don't think it will happen.

  • Custom Attributes are retrieved in the form of CustomAttributeData class, which contains the attribute information in a 'raw' way. CustomAttributeTypedArgument and CustomAttributeNamedArgument structs will contain the information about typed and named argument, respectively. (Note: We currently don't support this; however, I hope to have them in SVN as quick as I can)

Something very important to be noted, is the fact that we currently don't avoid the creation of some inneccesary data structures for ReflectionOnly assemblies. That will likely change in the next days/weeks/months, and it's a matter of performance, not of behavior (the impact is not that big).

Thanks to Zoltan and Paolo for their help.

jueves, febrero 24, 2005

I'm in Monologue!!!

Yeah, the next post will be the first one in being included in Monologue (sindicalization around Mono project).

Monologue can be found here.

viernes, febrero 18, 2005

Great essay about the current the most known political problem in Mexico

Found a great article about the political situation against Manuel Lopez Obrador, where together the two most important political groups, with the current federal government, try to keep him out of the electionf for president next 2006. The link, at Proceso, here.

viernes, febrero 11, 2005

Problems with the C Mono api

I spent almost a day solving a small problem I had creating structs from the C Mono api. When I returned this instance of struct, an exception was thrown, advising that it was not having a value...

Struct types in Mono are value based types, and since that, they cannot be null. Based in this, I could not figure out the reason for the exception. Then I remembered a similar problem I had when I defined a function, returning a MonoObject * (MonoObject* is the representation of the object C# type), that did not return the correct value (I forgot to add the return statement).

To create an instance in the C api, the class must be passed (a look into mono/samples/embed is a good beginning to begin to understand the C api), which is a MonoClass*. So, with classes you do:

MonoObject *obj;
/* mono_object_new (MonoDomain *d, MonoClass *klass)
* receives as first arg the current domain and a pointer to
* a defined class */
obj = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass);

/* Constructors must be called (they are common MonoMethod*'s) after the object is
* created; basically, with mono_object_new the object is only allocated.
* Note: mono_runtime_invoke (MonoMethod*, MonoObject*,
* void **params, MonoObject **exception)
mono_runtime_invoke (ctor, obj, params, NULL);

/* Return a fresh instance, with its constructor called */
return obj;

But..., there is the trick for structs (I had to go and read the code of Reflection after a day suffering. Mental note: remember to go to check the code when having a weird error). The trick here, is to unbox the struct before calling the constructor. Structs are allocated as value types, and finishing the stack frame where they were defined (the function itself), they dissapear. Boxing refers to the process of allocating a structure (and anything value based) as a reference type. Unbox is the oposite.

So, we would have this code for structs:

/* First, create the instance, boxed */
obj = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass);

/* Unbox on a void* variable */
o = mono_object_unbox (obj);

/* Call the method/constructor on the unboxed */
mono_runtime_invoke (ctor, o, params, NULL);

/* But ... return the MonoObject* representation */
return obj;

The question here is: structs created from the C Mono api must be created using mono_object_new, which creates boxed structs? The answer is: yes. The runtime can know the times of structs, but, the hacker would not be able to know this, even at compile time.

I hope this helps anybody (in the future, mostly) to avoid this problem.

viernes, febrero 04, 2005

Latest news

Haven't post recently, mainly because I've been doing some work that is not very fun to be shown here.

Anyway, we are releasing Mono 1.1.4, which is the development version, and we will mark it as stabler than the 1.X series, because of minor number of bugs, better performance, and more features.

Yesterday had chance to met Miguel de Icaza at a conference that took pace at the UNAM, in Mexico city, and finally received my so long-time-wished Mono t-shirt ;-)

Finally, I want to share my my very friends a very delicious and bright idea of my friend Mauricio, who, in a moment of ilumination -both alcoholic and sex ..ehr, I mean, intelectual- reached the maximum state of inteligence, and changed the way I see the world now:

We are ugly man, we are ugly

(We was explaining me the big importance of having charisma with ladies, and how, being that much awful and super mega ultra ugly, just like he himself is, can someone be a 'ladiesman', and refering to both of us when he said that of 'we are ...').

Thanks Maurimal. You have changed the world ;-)

miércoles, enero 12, 2005

More work on ReflectionOnly apis

I've been keeping working around ReflectionOnly apis. Last week I sent a patch to the list, waiting for Paolo/Zoltan aproval. I didn't receive any answer in the next days; however, I jsut got this from Zoltan:

Most of the code looks ok to me. However, my code review skills are
not very good. Better
wait until Paolo reviews it.

Les Miserables
Today finished the book "Les Miserables", from the hand of Victor Hugo, one of the greatest writers all of times, without any doubt. I have to say that this has been the hardest book I have ever read, and also one of my favorites -with Oscar Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Gray and Alejandro Dumas' Count of Montechrist-.

It is definitely an excellent reference to understand the person as a unit of the society, and to begin to act as good person. Certainly, it is sad, but the reward is huge. A good way to find a hope -and also get a compromise- in this society, in which, at least in Mexico, the sadness and injustice are very common things. The discrimination, implicit or explicit, based on the color of your skin, your eyes, your hair, your economical status, the car you have, and even your beliefs, are examples. Fortunately, I thinkg that we have also persons who belive that the world can be changed for good, and better, they act to make it sure.

The Hobbit
Some days ago I read that David Limon ended the book "The hobbit". Since I read the three last books, I found his description very pleasant, and I want to read it.