Well, this is a basically a post in spanish, because basically I have to explain and say some things about Moonlight to some pals here around. And because I'm pretty sure some others will do the same in english (beginning with Miguel), then I proceed.
Sobre Moonlight patentes y chismes varios
Una de las cosas que más ha dado de hablar en los últimos días es precisamente la cooperación para entre Novell y Microsoft con respecto a Moonlight (nuestra versión de Silverlight). Sabíamos de antemano que por una parte, habría muchas preguntas y cuestiones importantes a aclarar, y al mismo tiempo, mucha gente diciendo cosas sin el menor sustento (como es muy común en el SL).
Ahora, primero quiero aclarar que esto no es tan fácil como decir si reprobamos o no nuestro curso, o si fuimos honestos. Las fábulas no nos sirven en muchas escenarios, como éste, precisamente.
Ahora, la cuestión en efecto es que hay una parte de la colaboración que establece que al descargar Moonlight de los sitios de Novell no hay problemas en cuanto a patentes.
Y el tema de patentes desde luego está lejos de ser un tema fácil, pero también es cierto que la gente no suele tener una *che idea de lo que realmente es. Como muchas personas lo han dicho ya, es un problema importante en la industria del software, porque por una parte se están patentando ideas que son la progresión natural de otras, y por otra parte, se patentan cosas ya hechas hace mucho tiempo. En otras palabras, el sistema de patentes apesta.
Ahora, afirmar que Moonlight no es libre porque al descargarlo bajo ciertas circunstancias es muy probable que te demanden (lo cual, no, no es chido) está lejos de ser cierto. Es decir, se pueden recibir demandas casi por cualquier cosa hecha, porque muchas técnicas de software ya están patentadas. Así que no importa si usas Python o si usas C, o si usas C# o Perl, porque puede que te caiga una demanda por patentes, y eso te puede caer -patentes- sobre cualquier aplicación de SL. Entendámonos: que puedas ser demandado por violación de patentes no hace que tu software deje de ser libre.
Ahora, en mi opinión, la cuestión tiene más que ver con una cierta desconfianza hacia Microsoft, por que se argumenta de sus prácticas nocivas y demás. Pero bueno, eso tendré que mencionarlo en otro post.
* Curiosidad: La técnica de listas ligadas que todo programador usa, y que data de hace un par de décadas, ha sido patentada recientemente. Así que como seguramente Gnome o KDE usan las listas ligadas, y por tanto, pueden ser demandadas por violar dicha patente, automágicamente dejan ambos proyectos de ser libres (según el incorrecto razonamiento previo, por supuesto).
sábado, septiembre 08, 2007
domingo, abril 01, 2007
Abortion in Mexico
Abortion has always been a difficult topic, and much more in Mexico. In the latest weeks it was proposed in the Legislative Assembly of Mexico’s Federal District to legalize the partial decriminalization of abort, which caused the furious answer of the right-wing in Mexico, that in union with a group of business men and the catolic church, is trying to use again the fear campaign used the last year agains left-wing candidate to the federal government.
Human Rights Watch has an article about decriminalizing abortion. Here some interesting bits:
Here a related note in spanish.
Abortion and the right wing
Proceso has also an interesting article about the reaction of the right wing, which is trying to stop the decriminalization. The problem begins with the not-recognized-by-me president, Fecal.
The article in spanish here.
Human Rights Watch has an article about decriminalizing abortion. Here some interesting bits:
Safe and legal access to abortion is a human rights concern. All of our experiences have shown that women suffer terrible consequences when access to abortion is blocked and criminalized.
The deputies are also considering reforms to improve access to contraceptives and to sex education and information.
Here a related note in spanish.
Abortion and the right wing
Proceso has also an interesting article about the reaction of the right wing, which is trying to stop the decriminalization. The problem begins with the not-recognized-by-me president, Fecal.
Felipe Calderon, president of Mexico, representant of the mexican lay state, has broken the legality by declaring against the decriminalization of the abortion, using catolic terms.
As in the campaign of the 2006, the PAN people, business men, the conservative catolic church and Calderon are again using the television with his campaign against the PRD.
In 2006 the dirty campaign designed by the norteamerican Dick Morris, hired by Calderon and the PAN gave as result a confronted society. Now in 2007 the new campaign of the PAN, together with the catolic church and the business men of right wing have began not only to divide the mexican society, but to polarize it.
The health secretary, José Ángel Córdoba said the that the last year there were only 88 deaths by this cause. However, the PRD is using oficial numbers of the National Poblation Bureau (CONAPO) showing that in Mexico there are 533 thousend abortions per year in unhealthy conditions and with mortal risks.
Televisa is showing interviews and notes about women who are regretful of abortion. But there's no information about the women who have decided to abort by economical, familiar, social or even health aspects.
The article in spanish here.
miércoles, marzo 28, 2007
The Power
domingo, febrero 18, 2007
The dirty game of the right wing in Mexico
In the latest days, the historian Carlos Tello Diaz presented his book "2 de Julio", where he mentions that, based on his own sources, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (the federal government candidate for the left wing), accepted he lost the elections.
In an interview, he also mentioned he had the chance to talk to Perez Gay and Federico Arreola (who are close to Lopez Obrador) to corroborate it.
However, he's having a lack of credibility: Perez Gay denied he gave an interview to Tello Diaz, in an article published a day later. Also, Federico Arreola had the chance to face him in an interview with Carmen Aristegui (one of the most prominent journalist in Mexico), where Tello couldn't bear with the pressure.
As Federico Arreola mentions in his article, it's part fo the dirty game from the federal government.
Weird enough, we also have in Mexico one of the worst journalist out there: Lopez Doriga, who writes a columns saying "we already knew that Lopez Obrador knew about his lost". Well, if you say to, then _prove it_.
The high prices of corn and other bits.
In the campaign for the federal government, Calderon (currently the presidente of Mexico, legal but not legitimate) said that Lopez Obrador was a "danger for Mexico". As part of those aseverations, he said "the prices will get higher". What does he have to say now, when whe have these high prices in corn?

Interesting enough, a lot of people around me that used to think about of Lopez Obrador as a "danger for Mexico" don't even say a word about it. I wonder why.
In an interview, he also mentioned he had the chance to talk to Perez Gay and Federico Arreola (who are close to Lopez Obrador) to corroborate it.
However, he's having a lack of credibility: Perez Gay denied he gave an interview to Tello Diaz, in an article published a day later. Also, Federico Arreola had the chance to face him in an interview with Carmen Aristegui (one of the most prominent journalist in Mexico), where Tello couldn't bear with the pressure.
As Federico Arreola mentions in his article, it's part fo the dirty game from the federal government.
Le exigí que probara que AMLO había dicho eso. No pudo hacerlo. Lo reté a que diera el nombre de su fuente, se negó varias veces. Insistí y Tello no soportó la presión. Me acusó: "Tú fuiste la fuente". Cuando le expliqué que lo iba a llevar a los tribunales por esa calumnia, reculó: "Miento en eso, efectivamente".
Weird enough, we also have in Mexico one of the worst journalist out there: Lopez Doriga, who writes a columns saying "we already knew that Lopez Obrador knew about his lost". Well, if you say to, then _prove it_.
The high prices of corn and other bits.
In the campaign for the federal government, Calderon (currently the presidente of Mexico, legal but not legitimate) said that Lopez Obrador was a "danger for Mexico". As part of those aseverations, he said "the prices will get higher". What does he have to say now, when whe have these high prices in corn?

Interesting enough, a lot of people around me that used to think about of Lopez Obrador as a "danger for Mexico" don't even say a word about it. I wonder why.
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