miércoles, junio 23, 2004

I need to move to Fedora

I've been haing some trouble with RH 9 and the ext3 file system. Some time ago I tested Mandrake and ReiserFS and it worked very smooth, without problems. Now I'm using ext3 and I hate the way it 'locks' my files (I have to reboot). And based on tha benchmarks, I'm really waiting for Mono 1.0 core release to move to Fedora Core 2 (I was thinking about Debian; however, its comunity scares me a lot).

Germany out of the Euro

Very bad. Germany is out of the Euro 2004 and I'm very sad about that, but I hope this makes understand Rudi Völler that his 4-5-1 is bad and inefficient. Lets have better hopes for World Cup. Now, my favorites are Holland, England and, of course, France.


Recently my friend Jorge Carrasco wanted me to look for a place to play soccer. I have invited some old friends and tomorrow we will be playing. I have a lot of time without playing, and now it's a good time to re-take it.

4 comentarios:

neXus dijo...

No debes temerle a Debian, Debian es tu amigo, Debian te comprende, Debian te hace cariñitos.

Tu que eres bastante inestable con las distribuciones de linux y ningun te termina de gustar, deberías de entrarle a Debian, estoy seguro que te dejará buen sabor de boca.

Por cierto, ya estoy escribiendo en mi blog: http://nexusmx.blogspot.com/


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